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We recently blogged about a prevailing trend by employers to only hire the “perfect candidate” and the extreme ways they are weeding out “imperfect” candidates, such as not considering anyone currently unemployed and using credit checks more frequently. Given the current economic climate and employers’ reluctance to hire at all, this may be the attitude you encounter the most. But you may also find yourself grappling with employers at the opposite end of the spectrum, those who make what an article calls the “Butts in Chairs” request. Simply put, these employers are not concerned about quality of hire but simply want to get the position filled, or to use the article’s analogy, put a butt in the chair.

The article provides many arguments recruiters can use to combat this “hire first, ask questions later” approach to hiring. As a recruiter, you could point out to the employer that weak hires produce 25-600% less than top performers. A bad hire could cause a reduction in customer service, and as a result, a decrease in the company’s sales and reputation. Bad employees require more management and HR time, which of course costs more money. They cause more mistakes, which again, reduce the company’s profits. And when the employer finally realizes that the employee is not working out, there is all the cost and time investment required to hire someone new.

That is just a small sampling of some arguments the article provides for you to put in your arsenal for the next time a hiring manager or HR person asks you to simply put a butt in the chair. However, while all of these arguments may be effective, there are going to be times when the company really does need someone quickly and will not be talked out of speeding up the hiring process. So how do you comply with their requests without running the risk that they will be disappointed with the hire… and you? Well, you can suggest that they hire someone on a contract-to-direct basis. That way, they can get someone started quickly, and if it does not work out, they can easily end the assignment and try someone else. This way, you can protect your reputation and give your client what they want!

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