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According to Glassdoor, 68% of job seekers use their mobile device to search for jobs once a week or more.

As the number of mobile-dependent job seekers continues to grow, it’s becoming increasingly important that recruiters pay attention to mobile contract staffing recruitment. But there’s more to being mobile-friendly than simply having a site that looks OK on a smartphone (although that’s a good start, see #1). Here are some things you may want to incorporate in to your online recruiting strategy to engage with contract candidates through their mobile devices:

  1. Responsive website design. By using responsive design, you can ensure that your website is visible and attractive on any screen, including smartphones and tablets. Not only that, you can protect your Google search rankings. According to, not having a mobile-friendly site can actually hurt you in Google search rankings. If you don’t have responsive design or you are not sure if you do, contact your web designer or find one that can build you a recruiter website with responsive design.
  2. Easy application process. This is a harder nut to crack, but not impossible. In fact, a recent Forbes article describes how Sodexo has successfully allowed potential employees to apply for jobs via their mobile app. But if the development of a mobile apps is not in your budget, you may want to check out the “Apply with LinkedIn” function.”Apply with LinkedIn® is useful because it allows a job seeker to submit their information on the go without the hassle of having to type that information into fields on a mobile device or having to wait to find a computer to submit their resume,” said JD Fye, Website Consultant for Hiring Hook, a website design company exclusively for recruiters. “With this feature, they can simply sign in to their LinkedIn account and tap ‘Submit.’ I’ve spoken with many recruiters who often treat LinkedIn profiles the same way they would a resume, so this is a quick and easy way for a candidate to get their information to an employer.”
  3. Text and email updates. Mobile opens up a whole new avenue for how you can reach job seekers. One idea is to have a place on your website where they can sign up for hot job alerts through text message and/or email.
  4. Timed updates. According to a article, job seekers tend to browse for jobs when they are on breaks throughout that day. For that reason, your most captive mobile audience is between 6:30 and 9:15 a.m. (before work), 11:45 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (lunch), and 4:30 and 9:45 p.m. (after work).

We would assume the percentage of contractors who use mobile devices for job searching is even higher than for other candidates because they are often working remotely with limited access to desktop computers. So if you are placing contractors, you might want to put these items at the top of your to-do list.

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