Getting your contract staffing marketing message out is not as hard as it may sound. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars in advertising or hire an outside agency to help. Every communication you have with potential and current clients is an opportunity for you to market your contract staffing services. As the popularity of contract staffing continues to grow, simply seeing that you offer these services may be enough to make a company contact you for help with their open contract positions.
Start by thinking about where you are already mentioning your direct hire services. Those are places where you can also add your contract staffing message. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Your firm’s Web site (we recommend a full contract staffing page for clients at minimum to ensure that companies searching the Internet for contract staffing help find your website.)
- Your email signature
- Your firm’s phone book listing (if you still have one!)
- Your business card
- Your standard fee schedule
- Brochures
- Your client newsletter
- LinkedIn® profiles – both yours and your firm’s page
- Other social media profiles – Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.
- Your outgoing “on-hold” phone message
BONUS TIP: Be sure to also mention contract staffing in regular conversations with clients. Remember, 80% or more of a recruiter’s contract staffing business comes from EXISTING direct hire clients.
Don’t be afraid to get creative and come up with your own ideas. You may find that getting your contract staffing marketing message out takes very little extra effort when you combine it with your existing marketing messages.
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