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The housing market is still dismal, at best, but it appears that relocations are beginning to rebound anyway.

Relocations took a dive during the recession because workers who might have otherwise considered taking a job elsewhere couldn’t sell their homes. And companies that may have purchased potential employees’ homes in the past no longer had the budget to do so.

But although the economy and housing market are still anything but stable, the Society for Human Resource Management is reporting that 9.4 percent of job seekers are relocating for their new positions, the highest percentage in two years. While this is still low, especially considering that the rate was as high as 16.1 percent before the recession, it’s still a good sign.

It’s unclear why this surge is happening despite continued uncertainty.  One likely reason is that those who have remained unemployed have no other choice but to relocate, even if selling their home is going to be a problem. It’s also possible that companies that have emerged from the recession are now more willing to help potential employees with their relocation expenses.

As a recruiter, you can make it easier for your candidates to take advantage of these opportunities by recommending contract-to-direct arrangements so they can try a new location and position before they commit.  They can keep their home and their ties to their current location in case the relocation doesn’t work out. And if they are temporarily living away from their “tax home,” they may also qualify for per diem.

Incidentally, this is a good deal for your clients, too.  They can try the candidate before spending a lot of money buying their home and paying for other relocation expenses.

Relocation can be a great opportunity for both your candidates and your clients. But it’s also a huge commitment by both parties.  As a recruiter, your job is to make things easier for your clients and candidates, and contracting allows you to make relocations as painless as possible!

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