Over the past three months, our team has been hard at work creating with even more software enhancements. We’ve also been diligently implementing daily behind-the-scenes changes for to make us capable of handling all kinds of employment scenarios. Below, you’ll find a list of some of the more prominent updates and new features that you may have come across while using our software!
We’ve released a new process for approving subclients that will expedite the submission and approval of subclients used in a placement. This process is meant to help automate and simplify the experience for our users, while also identifying any potential safety issues at a client facility.
Our timesheets now have the capability to set a “Pay Period End Time” within a pay period, which allows us to stop a pay period at a specific time in the middle of a day. This enhancement was created to make our timesheets even more powerful by providing greater flexibility for certain client situations.
We recently updated our orientation emails and refined the language used to better address specific employment situations and environments. These changes were made to ensure compliance with employment laws and to enhance clarity for new hires. The revised orientation materials, which are situation-specific and automatically sent based on the relevant context, now include information on workplace violence issues and provide clear guidelines.
We have now split our original Paid Leave option into two categories: Paid Time Off (PTO) and Sick Time. The Sick Time category covers all sick time required by certain local regulations, while the PTO category offers additional paid time off for employees working for FoxHire. While we were already compliant under the previous Paid Leave option, this new division allows us greater flexibility and gives us more accurate tracking.
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A complete Employer of Record (EOR) platform for onboarding, payroll, and compliance – so you can hire without the hassle.